uniorientiert Live Session + Q&A on Wed. 19 April 2023 @ 15:00

Join our online live session on the occasion of the open days "uniorientiert" at the University of Vienna

uniorientiert - the open days @ univie

Wherever your next educational goal lies – uniorientiert helps with orientation for the first step. On Wednesday, 19 April 2023 @ 15:00 you can join us for an online live session with

on MS Teams. The link will be provided 15 minutes prior to the event here.

After a brief presentation about admission requirements, language proficiencies and structure of the curriculum, there will be plenty of time to answer all your questions in a Q&A session.


Digital Humanities

Since 2020, the University of Vienna is offering three interlinked master programmes that focus on foundations of data science (Master in Data Science), the interplay with business and economics (Master of Business Analytics) as well as the interplay with the humanities (Master of Digital Humanities). While this breadth is unique, we designed all three programmes to allow interaction and collaboration between students and researchers in all three programmes by sharing a common curriculum for almost a full semester worth of credits.

The Master's programme Digital Humanities (DH) at the University of Vienna aims to train students to use computer-based methods in humanities research contexts, with a focus on developing new ways of knowing. The programme also includes critical reflection on the methods and consequences of DH practice as well as theory building to support the development of DH as a transdisciplinary, independent scientific discourse. Students of cultural studies extend their competences in DH techniques and methods and teach technical, ethical, legal and scientific-theoretical contents in close cooperation with other study programmes. The degree programme concludes with a Master's thesis on a problem or an area of application of DH.