"Exploring Bodies in Motion - the fascination of movement"
On Tuesday, 1 October 2024, the MediaLab is hosting an event on the topic of motion capture with three presentations from current research projects, a live demonstration of the "MoCap system" and finally the opportunity to get to know the MediaLab team and the speakers over snacks and drinks and explore the possibilities for research with such systems.
Location: Aula am Campus, Unicampus, Hof 1.11, Spitalgasse 2–4, 1090 Vienna
Time: 16:00–19:00 CEST
Language: English
Admission is free, the MediaLab team kindly asks for a non-binding registration by e-mail to medialab.philkult@univie.ac.at
For all information on the event, please visit their website: medialab.univie.ac.at/events/