dsUniVie Talk with Allan Hanbury on Monday, 11 December 2023 @ 14:00 CET

Allan Hanbury from the Department of Informatics of the Vienna University of Technology will talk about "Professional Search in Context"

Monday, 11 December 2023 @ 14:00–15:00 CET


University of Vienna
Seminarraum 18
Kolingasse 14–16

1090 Vienna


Zoom-Link: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/68154688415?pwd=anBCaXlnZ0ZRZ0R2YkV0U2hMSXdIQT09

Meeting-ID: 681 5468 8415
Passcode: 517043


Professional Search in Context


Search, or Information Retrieval, is well-known through its ubiquitous implementation in the form of web search. An aspect that is less widely known is Professional Search, which is search undertaken by paid professionals as part of their work tasks. It has specific characteristics such as fewer documents to index, fewer user interaction data, a requirement for explainability and often a "tradition" in how the search is done. This talk will present some professional search projects that we are working on in the legal, humanities and medical domains. After highlighting the differences between web search and professional search, I present work being done to unify the concept of work task across domains.


Allan Hanbury is Professor for Data Intelligence, head of the Data Science Research Unit, and Faculty Representative (responsible for financial affairs and internationalisation) at the Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien, Austria.  He is also faculty member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna. He was scientific coordinator of the EU-funded Khresmoi Project on medical and health information search and analysis, and is co-founder of contextflow, the spin-off company commercialising the radiology image search technology developed in the Khresmoi project. He is coordinator of DoSSIER, a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network, educating 15 doctoral students on domain-specific systems for information extraction and retrieval.