Current Job Vacancies for Scientific Positions


The TU Wien is currently looking for University Assistants (Prae-Docs, Post-Docs), System Administrators and Student Assistants

  • University Assistant (Prae-Doc), 30 hrs/week, limited to 4 years at the Institute for Computer Engineering in the research area Embedded Computing Systems
  • University Assistant (Post-Doc), 40 hrs/week, limited to 1 year at the Institute for Computer Engineering in the research area Parallel Computing
  • University Assistant (Prae-Doc), 30 hrs/week, limited to 9 months at the Institute for Computer Engineering in the research area Parallel Computing
  • System Administrator HPC Servercluster, 40 hrs/week, unlimited at the Institute for Logic and Computation in the research area Algorithms and Complexity as well as Privacy
  • University Assistant (Prae-Doc), 30 hrs/week, limited to 4 years at the Institute for Logic and Computation in the research area Formal Methods in Systems Engineering
  • Student Assistant, 20 hrs/week, limited to 1 year at the Institute for for Information Systems Engineering in the research area Distributed Systems

Application Deadlines for all above mentioned vacancies: 8 August 2024