Monday, 10 March 2025 @ 14:00–15:00 CET
University of Vienna
Seminarraum 17 (OG02)
Kolingasse 14–16
1090 Vienna
Meeting ID: 670 3238 6717
Passcode: 440328
Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence in Training and Exercise
Abstract :
The availability of miniaturized sensors for measuring a wide variety of parameters, powerful computer technologies, and a wide range of artificial intelligence methods are opening up more and more support options for sports training and exercise.
In his talk, Prof. Baca will present current developments and perspectives for the use of respective systems and illustrate this with examples from his own research. These include feedback systems which, based on the recognition of movement patterns, provide recommendations for modifying movement execution, as well as methods for analyzing tactics in game sports based on position data with a focus on soccer and basketball.
Bio :
Arnold Baca earned the Engineering Diploma in Computer Science and the Ph.D. from the Technical University Vienna. Since 2008 he is Full Professor at the Department of Biomechanics, Kinesiology and Computer Science in Sport at the University of Vienna. He has been President of the International Association of Computer Science in Sport from 2007-2013 and is now Honorary President of this association. He is Editor-in-Chief of the e-Journal International Journal of Computer Science in Sport.
His current research activity focuses on Computer Science Applied to Biomechanics, Ubiquitous Computing in Sports and Exercise, Multimedia and Information Systems in Sports, Human Motion Analysis and Game Analysis.