Data Science @ Uni Vienna Membership

Why join?

The main benefit of joining the research network is joining a diverse group of researchers across different disciplines at the University of Vienna and engaging in discussion on all aspects of data science, from foundational challenges to applied problems, which may differ across disciplines. The research network focuses on these blind spots, providing the ground to capture and tackle innovative research questions. Our values and goals include:

  • Interdisciplinary research exchange
  • Developing interdisciplinary research groups on topical research issues
  • Developing and coordinating interdisciplinary teaching programs at all three educational levels (BA, MA, and PhD) both at the national and the European level
  • Deepening data science related research within disciplines
  • Broadening data science related research across disciplines
  • Developing research projects
  • Access to well-trained students
  • Central contact point for institutional and industrial collaborators both at the national and the European level
  • Communication channel for general information on data science related tasks and research

Tiers - Governance Structure

  • DS Executives: The speaker of the network chooses the executive members and needs the approval of the board (majority vote). The executive is a small governing body that deals with the day-to-day decision-making process. The speaker leads it and usually has a small number of board members representing the various disciplines of the research network.
  • DS Board: The board consists of all members of the research network actively participating in some of the tasks of the research network (e.g., teaching in the curricula, coordination and development of curricula, active role in interdisciplinary research grants (proposals), providing research input via presentations and papers, etc.). The speaker of the network is voted every 2 years by a majority vote of the board members.
  • DS Member: Members regularly obtain information on the activities of the research network and are invited to its various public events. You can register via our mailinglist. 
  • Alumni Network: Regular members and board members leaving the University of Vienna will usually become members of the Alumni Network. They will be informed about ongoing projects and events of the research network, invited to talks, and work as national and international ambassadors for the research network.

How to join?

Any member (incl. Post-Docs, PhD-students, and Admin staff) of the University of Vienna interested in tasks and research that are related to data science can join our research network. Please write to, in which you explain...

... why you would like to become a member,

... how you would want to contribute,

... how your research/work relates to data science.

The Executive Board will decide in their regular meetings on the application.

Members can become part of the board by actively participating in the aforementioned tasks of the research network. Before becoming a board member, the applicant is expected to give a talk in the Data Science @ Uni Vienna research talk series. Board members will then vote on the application.

Members and Board members leaving the University of Vienna will usually become members of the Alumni research network.