8 June 2022 @ 14:00 CEST Oliver Hahn: Computational Cosmology in the Precision Era

Oliver Hahn, Department of Mathematics and Department of Astrophysics, will give a talk within our DS Talk Series!

The nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the quantum origin of structure in the Universe are some of the most profound mysteries of current physics. At the same time, they leave their fingerprint on the cosmic large-scale structure. Current and upcoming galaxy surveys probe nearly the entire observable Universe and amass data of unprecedented quantity and quality. In the quest for precision cosmology, numerical simulations, mathematical models, and data driven techniques are converging to make progress on these most fundamental questions of contemporary physics, where clues to their nature will lie in minute inconsistencies between observations and existing models. In this effort, a key task we are currently addressing lies in efficient and highly accurate predictions of the distribution of matter in the Universe given a cosmological model, as well as the inversion of this problem. 


Wednesday, 8 June 2022 @ 14:00 CEST


University of Vienna
Kolingasse 14–16
1090 Vienna
Seminarraum 19, OG02



Meeting-ID: 894 6640 2621
Kenncode: dsTalks&22